Saturday, 10 May 2014

Homeopathic Treatment for Dysmenorrhoea and Efficacy of Xanthoxylum

Dysmenorrhoea means painful menses. Homeopathic treatment for dysmenorrhoea is a holistic mode of treatment. It greatly reduces intensity and severity of menstrual cramps and pains.

Xanthoxylum is one of the most efficacious remedy in homeopathic treatment for dysmenorrhoea. The action of this remedy is usually on the mucous membrane of uterus and it also acts on ovary. The menses are too early and too painful. Menses usually associated with ovarian neuralgia with pain in loins and lower abdomen. The pains are agonising and shooting which starts in left loin and travel down the thighs.

Neuralgic dysmenorrhoea is well treated by this remedy. Menses are almost black and thick. Leucorrhoea at the time of menses is the characteristic feature of xanthoxylum. It suited to neurasthenic patients who are thin, emaciated with poor assimilation and insomnia. With occipital headache are well treated by this remedy.

With dysmenorrhoea there are griping pains in abdomen with diarrhoea. Patient has aphonia and has desire to take long breath. There is weakness or paralysis, especially of left side, followed by spinal disorders. Patient has rheumatic affections with neuralgic, shooting pains as if from electric current. Sleep is disturbed due to pains. Mentally the patient is nervous, depressed and frightened.

Homeopathic treatment in dysmenorrhoea helps in reducing pains during menses. Xanthoxylum helps patient from menstrual colic and nervousness.

Monday, 5 May 2014

Homeopathic Treatment for Dysmenorrhoea and efficiency of Vibernum Opulus

Homeopathy is an advanced progressive medical science. In cases of agonising menstrual pain homeopathic treatment for dysmenorrhoea is very helpful.

There are several effective remedies available in homeopathic treatment for dysmenorrhoea. Vibernum opulus is a useful remedy in spasmodic and membranous dysmenorrhoea when the menses are too late, scanty and lasting for few hours. Menses are offensive and are associated with severe cramps in legs. There is bearing down pains in the uterine region. Tearing and shooting pain in ovarian region.

On examination, the parts are found congested and oedematous. There is excoriating leucorrhoea which causes itching of genitalia. Patient complains of pain in back, radiating to loins and womb which are more in the early morning.

Uterine complaints associated with cramps in thighs, extending to calf, is the keynote of this remedy. There is colicky pain in the pelvic region. Lower extremities are stiff and sore with sensation of weakness and heaviness. Patient has frequent urging for urination.

Mentally the patient is irritable with vertigo. She feels as if falling forward. Her complaints aggravated on lying, in a warm room and in morning and feels better in open air and evening.

Dysmenorrhoea means excruciating menses. Homeopathic treatment for dysmenorrhoea is a holistic method of treatment. It significantly reduces intensity and severity of menstrual pains.

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Homeopathy Treatment with its Significance and Efficacy

Many persons consider as allopathy is the most successful clinical practice to treat a range of diseases, infections or ailments. Many people are yet oblivious of the benefits that alternative medicines as well as homeopathic have for their health.

Although many people prefer allopathic remedies to cure themselves for numerous diseases alternative medicines are known to be exceptionally valuable. Homeopathy is an advanced progressive medical science.

Homeopathy treatment is a method of medicine which involved the treatment of a person by using highly diluted substances that are given in a pill form; aiming at triggering the body’s natural system of therapeutics.

Medicines are prescribed only after a homeopath has taken a complete case study of the person’s overall health state. This will include not only the physical symptoms experiences, but also a number of other factors such as emotional and mental states.

Homeopathy treatment includes many different mineral, plant, animal and synthetic substances to put in order the liquid solutions which are added to the white sugar globules (little round pills). Homeopathy is based on three fundamental beliefs- a treatment plan which is based on the laws of similar, the body’s inherent ability to resume equilibrium and a highly individualised approach to healing that arises from a patients proclivities and lifestyle.

A person may suffer from a meticulous sickness but there may be different underlying factors including lack of sleep, inadequate diet, stress; which may also be a result of why symptoms come into sight.

The homeopath thus takes into account all the underlying factors as well before prescribing any medicines. The treatment thus is a holistic method, recognising that the person is sole and treatment has to be devised according to the changing needs of individuals.

Governed by the idea that like cures like; the remedies are modified to an individual’s symptoms and the medicines are given in small doses known as micro doses. Addressing the whole totality of the symptoms that a person exhibits, a person is not only cured for the illness but also any underlying situation as well.

While many people hold various folklore about homeopathy treatment such as being an untested scientific method having no medicinal value, homeopathic medicines are known to stimulate the body’s inherent therapeutic ability. These white sugar pills which are taken in small dosages regularly throughout the day are known to be one of the most useful homeopathy treatment methods having no side-effects.

Homeopathy treatment can be used to treat minor, small ailments such as cough, cold, etc. and has been found to be extremely valuable for chronic ailments such as diabetes, skin diseases, asthma, etc.

There are thus a vast number of benefits of homeopathy treatment. Not only are these medications known to not have any side effects but treats the person as an entire individual taking into account the totality of all the symptoms exhibited by him/her.

Homeopathy treatment can be found for a number of ailments. While it is most frequently used for insignificant ailments such as cold, cough, etc. it is also known to be beneficial in treating chronic ailments such as diabetes, dengue fever, Alzheimer’s disease, etc.

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Homeopathic Treatment for Dysmenorrhoea with Caulophyllum

Caullophyllum is suitable remedy for spasmodic dysmenorrhoea. The patient has lack of tonicity of the womb. Before and during menstruation, there are spasmodic pains and patient complains that they fly in all directions. Great atonicity of the uterine muscles, therefore the discharges stagnate in uterine cavity.

Dysmenorrhoea is the condition where pain occurs in anterior pelvic pain in association with periods. It may be thought of as primary or secondary. Painkillers relieve pain temporarily but Homeopathic treatment for dysmenorrhoea helps to remove all symptoms of the patient as well as treat underlying pathology.

Uterus is ill developed or it is smaller than the normal uterus. Cervical os is rigid and cervical meatus is pinhole. Pains are intermittent and come in paroxysms. With spasmodic pains of dysmenorrhoea the patient also complains of spasms of stomach with dyspepsia. There is stiffness of small joints of fingers, toes, ankles etc. There is cutting and throbbing pains on flexing the fingers. These pains make the patient to change her position every few minutes.

Mentally the patient is fearful and hysterical. She is restless and easily excitable.

Homeopathic treatment for dysmenorrhoea removes the cause and treats the patient.

Homeopathic treatment for dysmenorrhoea offers a very effectual result with gentle relief.