Dysmenorrhoea is the term generally refers to painful menses. Painful menstrual cramps causes difficulty in daily work because of intensity and severity of the pain so, women takes painkillers for quick relief. Homeopathic treatment for dysmenorrhoea includes efficacious remedies which not only help to remove causes but also symptoms of dysmenorrhoea.
Cimicifuga is chief remedy in homeopathic treatment for dysmenorrhoea. It is predominantly suits to spasmodic dysmenorrhoea. It is very good remedy when patient complaints of pain in lower abdomen which often starts on first day of menstruation. Pains persist until the flow ceases. The victims are usually young unmarried females. Many times the uterus is not developed as it should be.
There is bearing down sensation with pressing pains in uterine region. Pains are shifting from one hip to another. Menses are suppressed or scanty and are offensive, with sore back. Menstrual blood is blackish and partly clotted. The flow does not ameliorate the pain.
The muscular pains are associated with uterine disturbances. Patient often complains of dysmenorrhoea with rheumatic complaints. Cimicifuga also helps in ovarian neuralgia. There is shooting and throbbing pain in the head with biliousness.
Mentally the patient is very depressed and sad. Mental symptoms are worse during menses and usually are alternating with rheumatic pains. All the mental as well as physical symptoms aggravated by menstrual flow are the important characteristic of Cimicifuga in homeopathic treatment for dysmenorrhoea.
Cimicifuga lady often complains in the morning, during menses and in cold atmosphere. Her complaints aggaravated as the menstrual flow increases. She feels better by warmth and rest.
Homeopathic treatment for dysmenorrhoea removes the cause and treats the patient.
Cimicifuga is chief remedy in homeopathic treatment for dysmenorrhoea. It is predominantly suits to spasmodic dysmenorrhoea. It is very good remedy when patient complaints of pain in lower abdomen which often starts on first day of menstruation. Pains persist until the flow ceases. The victims are usually young unmarried females. Many times the uterus is not developed as it should be.
There is bearing down sensation with pressing pains in uterine region. Pains are shifting from one hip to another. Menses are suppressed or scanty and are offensive, with sore back. Menstrual blood is blackish and partly clotted. The flow does not ameliorate the pain.
The muscular pains are associated with uterine disturbances. Patient often complains of dysmenorrhoea with rheumatic complaints. Cimicifuga also helps in ovarian neuralgia. There is shooting and throbbing pain in the head with biliousness.
Mentally the patient is very depressed and sad. Mental symptoms are worse during menses and usually are alternating with rheumatic pains. All the mental as well as physical symptoms aggravated by menstrual flow are the important characteristic of Cimicifuga in homeopathic treatment for dysmenorrhoea.
Cimicifuga lady often complains in the morning, during menses and in cold atmosphere. Her complaints aggaravated as the menstrual flow increases. She feels better by warmth and rest.
Homeopathic treatment for dysmenorrhoea removes the cause and treats the patient.